Powered by MathJax From GCSE Maths, to Rocket Scientist...: Thank the Lord. I Passed!

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Thank the Lord. I Passed!

What a blogging hiatus, that has just been.

Four months...  few!

Four months seems an age; but I have remained silent during this time,  for two main reasons.

Firstly, I found myself so deep into studying and really struggling for time to even spend with my family; that I just decided to stop the posts for a while, and concentrate on what is most important.

Secondly, I was having a major melt down / ego readjustment, as It really dawned on me that there were large volumes of material within my two current courses, Number Theory / Mathematical Logic, and Groups / Geometry; that still  left me sweating at night with not even a clue on how to navigate the material.

The simple human condition then took over - as in - it's simply not very pleasant to write about your impending implosion into failure, no matter how reflective your blog is supposed to be.

'Warts and all' can be an extraordinarily challenging blogging ethos, in times of real difficulties.  I feel I have failed that test, this time around.

Fast forward to June - I took my exams in Birmingham.  Two exams in two days.  I stayed in a hotel, in between the exams, and up until the hour before the first exam, I was revising for 10hrs a day for three weeks solid (I took leave from work).

I just couldn't remember the material and produce it quickly enough under exam conditions.  Help!

Anyway, I took the exams and having totted up my points, I had reckoned that I had achieved around the grade 3 area for Number Theory, and Grade 4 area, for Groups.

To my astonishment, I received my results email tonight, logged into my student home page, and promptly fell off my chair, Brie sandwich in hand.

I am pleased to report, that I scored the following results:

Number Theory and Mathematical Logic - 72%   (Grade 2)

Groups and Geometry - 66%   (Grade 2)

As my followers will appreciate; it  is now time for me to attend a public house and imbibe a pint of - what has now become an exam results tradition for me - a pint of Bishops Finger.

Ooh Matron!

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