Powered by MathJax From GCSE Maths, to Rocket Scientist...: Tricky Number Theory

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Tricky Number Theory

Oh Lord.

I am managing to understand number theory - (none of it is so difficult, that you are unable to follow the proofs with very careful reading) - but every time I come across another example problem in the book, It is clear that I would never have thought of answering it in the way described within the text.

What's more, having read the answer, I still can't understand how a number theory novice is supposed to know the answers to these things, from the sparse collection of theorems that are provided in the set books.

I reckon that with many extra hours of study and utilizing a rather handy technique that I have recently picked up for learning new material, I should be able to rote learn the minor theorem proofs, some key example solutions and a few other bits, in time for the exam.  But, I don't actually think that this is going to get me through the damn exam; however, it might just keep the blood pressure low enough to avoid going on Statins before June.

As my friend Chris would say.


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