Powered by MathJax From GCSE Maths, to Rocket Scientist...: M208 TMA02, Q1 - 3 complete.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

M208 TMA02, Q1 - 3 complete.

Fifty five out of one hundred marks, completed, and it is feeling deceptively straight forward.  I just don't  understand why this is so.  The intro units were taxing, to the point where I actually woke up at 2am, one cold winter's night, convinced that my journey was over; when I couldn't even work out, what the equivalence question 7a) in TMA01,  was asking me to do.

Fast-forward one month.  I have just completed half of the Group Theory paper, and it felt like treading an old path.  The symbols were familiar.  The method of laying out an answer, straight forward.  The completion, pure joy.

What exactly, is going on?

I haven't a clue.  Any thoughts are gladly welcome...

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