Another week done! I am finally back in my stride following my months of sickness and this summer is shaping up to become a very interesting period of study. I have started the 'official' calculus part of my University studies. It is not surprising, that the Open University have a compulsory postgraduate course entitled, Calculus of variations and advanced calculus (M820), which must be studied, before they allow you to take any further postgraduate courses with them.
I can certainly see the merits in doing so. I mean, most real world processes, that need modelling in a precise and predictive way, tend to use calculus as a large part of the calculations. I think that calculus is becoming a personal passion and I find it intuitively simple, to understand, contrary to my pre-ideas about the subject, before I ever encountered it.
Anyway, here is this week's completed study. I finished S196 and submitted that coursework. I have now almost completed my draft version of TMA02 for MST121 and I am now headlong into calculus. The time spent studying this week, has been 16hrs:
Recap on Vectors
TMA02 draft version completed
Lots of practice, differentiating polynomials!
The Teaching Company: Calculus lectures
Infinite limits and limits at infinity
The derivative and the tangent line
Basic differentiation rules
Completed EMA (coursework)
Finished course. (result due approx September 2011)
I can't wait to do some more calculus this week and I may even dip into the Integration and modelling books early, to keep my perspective broad, as I assault the differentiation material.
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