Powered by MathJax From GCSE Maths, to Rocket Scientist...: Warming to Mathcad

Monday, 11 April 2011

Warming to Mathcad

I had a problem this week, with multiplying two matrices.  They were a 2x3 and a 3x2 matrix, and I sometimes get muddled in which numbers need to be added to which others.

Mathcad to the rescue!  I punched in the numbers, and out popped the result.  I did the maths using pencil, paper and grey matter, and then used Mathcad to verify.

In situations like this, it has started to become a bit of a life saver as it stops all of those silly errors in counting.

In a future post, I will give an evaluation of the Mathcad functions, both good and not so good.  It is starting to become a useful tool, as it is helping in the checking process, as part of an overall maths problem solving strategy.

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